Tea and coffee may reduce heart health risk shows in recent research

Tea and coffee may reduce heart health risk shows in recent research

Tea-Coffee For Heart Health: Many myths come to light regarding tea and coffee, in which many people believe that consuming tea and coffee has bad effects on health, hence it should not be consumed. But a recent research has revealed that if tea and coffee are consumed in the right quantity on a regular basis, it has positive effects on health and not only this, it The risk of heart attack is also reduced. So let us tell you how you should consume tea or coffee to maintain heart health.

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Tea and coffee reduce the risk of heart attack.

According to a recent research, people who regularly consume tea or coffee in prescribed quantities may reduce the risk of heart attack. Actually, caffeine and other natural compounds present in coffee can improve the heart arteries and control cholesterol. This also improves blood flow and may reduce the risk of heart attack.

On the other hand, tea contains antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, which reduce inflammation and promote heart health. It can also help in reducing the risk of heart attack.

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How much tea and coffee should one consume?

If tea and coffee are consumed in limited quantity, it can be beneficial for the heart, but if it is consumed in excessive quantity, it also has negative effects on the body. You can consume 1 to 2 or 3 cups of tea or coffee a day. Try to drink tea and coffee without sugar or consume black tea and black coffee.

Research has also said that heart attack cannot be avoided by consuming only tea or coffee, along with it healthy diet, exercise and stress management are also very important.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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